Final Inspection Prior To Settlement
Did you know…
The rules governing the right to inspect a property prior to settlement?
Right To Inspect – The buyer is entitled to inspect the property and the Seller must grant access to the property to enable the Buyer to inspect the property on 1 occasion within 7 Business days before Settlement date or on the Possession date.
Time For Inspection – The Buyer and the Seller must agree the date and time for the inspection. If it is not possible for the Buyer and Seller to reach an agreement, then the Buyer may, by not less than 1 business day’s notice to the Seller or the Seller’s Agent, specify the date and time for the inspection, which must be a business day and between 9.00am and 4.00pm.
The pre-settlement inspection enables the Buyer to satisfy him/herself, that the property is in the same condition as it was at the time of the contract being written and accepted.
If you would like to discus the above, or requires and up to date Appraisal of your property, please contact Scaffidi Real Estate at your convenience.